Welcome to U.A. Plumbers Local 15 - Minneapolis and St. Cloud Minnesota close

Plumbers Protect the Health of the Nation

Local Plumbers Union 15

United Association of Plumbers and Gasfitters Local Union #15 was chartered on February 7, 1890 and currently represents approximately 2,000 active and retired members working in all aspects of the Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Gas Distribution/Pipeline industry. Local 15 Journeyman and apprentices enjoy the benefits of being among the best trained in the Industry, experienced in residential & commercial construction and service, research and development, gas distribution and pipeline work.


Local Plumbers Union 15 Gear

Local 15 IS NOT just about building strength in numbers for collective bargaining.
Local 15 IS about building and maintaining strong relationships with our contractors, the end user (our customers), and other industry partners, to grow the construction industry and collectively bargain for good wages and benefits, improve working conditions, and offer industry leading training. We are proud of who we are, and what we do. Please check out the selection of Made in the USA union clothing, and show your pride.


Local Plumbers Union 15 Gallery

Local 15 plumbers, you are Minnesota’s hero’s. You are the licensed professionals that install and repair water supply lines, waste disposal systems, medical gas systems in area hospitals and clinics, and many other related plumbing and piping systems. Plumbers are a vital part of keeping our communities clean and safe, and at the same time protecting our environment by installing and repairing the latest water saving equipment and systems. We want to hear from you. Please send us your stories and photos, from the job, or from the woods or the lake.


AEC v1.0.4

Calendar Sidebar

  • Apr 1, 2025 5:00 pmExecutive Board Meeting
  • Apr 3, 2025 5:00 pmGeneral Membership Meeting
  • Apr 29, 2025 5:00 pmExecutive Board Meeting
  • May 1, 2025 5:00 pmGeneral Membership Meeting
AEC v1.0.4


Local Plumbers Union 15

United Association of Plumbers and Gasfitters Local Union #15 was chartered on February 7, 1890 and currently represents approximately 2,000 active and retired members working in all aspects of the Plumbing, Gasfitting, and Gas Distribution/Pipeline industry. Local 15 Journeyman and apprentices enjoy the benefits of being among the best trained in the Industry, experienced in residential & commercial construction and service, research and development, gas distribution and pipeline work.


Local Plumbers Union 15 Gear

Local 15 IS NOT just about building strength in numbers for collective bargaining.
Local 15 IS about building and maintaining strong relationships with our contractors, the end user (our customers), and other industry partners, to grow the construction industry and collectively bargain for good wages and benefits, improve working conditions, and offer industry leading training. We are proud of who we are, and what we do. Please check out the selection of Made in the USA union clothing, and show your pride.


Local Plumbers Union 15 Gallery

Local 15 plumbers, you are Minnesota’s hero’s. You are the licensed professionals that install and repair water supply lines, waste disposal systems, medical gas systems in area hospitals and clinics, and many other related plumbing and piping systems. Plumbers are a vital part of keeping our communities clean and safe, and at the same time protecting our environment by installing and repairing the latest water saving equipment and systems. We want to hear from you. Please send us your stories and photos, from the job, or from the woods or the lake.
